Verb details

Word:thabatthabat  ثـَبـَت
Meaning:(be) proven(be) proven 


for actions that happened in the past

I was'ana thabattaacnaa thabatt أنا َ ثـَبـَتّ
We was'ihna thabatnaiicHnaa thabatnaa إحنا َ ثـَبـَتنا
You(m) was'inta thabattiicnta thabatt إنت َ ثـَبـَتّ
You(f) was'inti thabattiiicnti thabatty إنت ِ ثـَبـَتّي
You(pl) was'intu thabattuiicntoo thabattoo إنتوا ثـَبـَتّوا
He/it(m) washuwa thabathuwa thabat هـُو َ ثـَبـَت
She/it(f) washiya thabatithiya thabatit هـِي َ ثـَبـَتـِت
They washumma thabatuhumma thabatoo هـُمّ َ ثـَبـَتوا

Active Participle

for some actions happening now (movement, thinking, sense)

I(m) am bing'ana thaebitaacnaa thaebit أنا َ ثا َبـِت
I(f) am bing'ana thaebitaaacnaa thaebitaö أنا َ ثا َبـِتـَة
We are bing'ihna thaebiteeniicHnaa thaebityn إحنا َ ثا َبـِتين
You(m) are bing'inta thaebitiicnta thaebit إنت َ ثا َبـِت
You(f) are bing'inti thaebitaiicnti thaebitaö إنت ِ ثا َبـِتـَة
You(pl) are bing'intu thaebiteeniicntoo thaebityn إنتوا ثا َبـِتين
He/it(m) is binghuwa thaebithuwa thaebit هـُو َ ثا َبـِت
She/it(f) is binghiya thaebitahiya thaebitaö هـِي َ ثا َبـِتـَة
They are binghumma thaebiteenhumma thaebityn هـُمّ َ ثا َبـِتين

Passive Participle

when something has been acted upon

He/it(m) is huwa mathboothuwa mathbwt هـُو َ مـَثبوت
She/it(f) is hiya mathbootahiya mathbwtaö هـِي َ مـَثبوتـَة
They are humma mathbooteenhumma mathbwtyn هـُمّ َ مـَثبوتين